Human Rights Letters
Here are short letters that you can easily
print and mail.
Select the address and text; copy and paste them into Word or whatever
you use for writing. Arrange on the page to your liking.
Even better is to spend a few moments individualizing the text.
You could change words, add your own remarks, use different points
from the fuller information given.
A short letter in simple language is most likely to be understood.
Stay polite.
back to us if you have a question. Or if you have the luck to
receive a replyit could be important. We'd
love to know that you've written.
Guy Ottewell and Tilly Lavenás, founder members
of the Amnesty International groups of Greenville, South Carolina,
and Lyme Regis, England.
By clicking "Join this group" (at the right) you can become
a member of our Google Group and will receive sample
letters whenever we have them ready.
If you don't see a "Join this group" link, or if you
have received an email about Ready-made human rights letters,
you are already a member.
Under "Discussions" you can see the emails we've previously
Postage for one sheet (mark envelope AIRMAIL):
From the USA: $1.20 or "Global Forever" stamp (to all
countries including Canada and Mexico).
From Britain: 97p.
on past cases
letters do any good?
These remhurls have been sent by email to a list of
friends at irregular intervals (monthly, sometimes less, sometimes
more) since 1996. Since 2008 we have used this better method of
distribution. We are responsible for them; they are not an official
production of Amnesty International, Survival International, or
any other of our sources.
You may submit a letter appeal for possible use. Please make it
easy for us: Keep it short. Provide a summary of the fuller information
(which we like to get in chronological order). Expect to be edited.
Provide a web link if possible, or a citation of the authority for
the information, e.g. for an Amnesty International Urgent Action,
its number, date, and "write no later than" date. Send
Another resource for
easily sending human-rights letters

Join the team and receive sample
letters as they come:
The first letter is recent and urgent. Others below are long-term cases
on which we keep working. More letters on them are always needed.
Magdy Abdel Ghaffar
Ministry of Interior
Fifth Settlement
New Cairo
Your Excellency,
It is reported here that Ahmed Douma has been in continuous solitary confinement at Tora Prison since 3 December 2013!
Solitary confinement of more than 15 days is prohibited by the Nelson Mandela Rule in the U.N. Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners.
Ahmed Douma was sentenced for protesting illegally. His cell is next to a sewer. He suffers pain in knees and back, chronic headache, and insomnia. The prison administration ignores requests by prison doctors that he should be sent to a hospital.
The Cairo Administrative Court has now postponed hearing his appeal until 16 May.
I urge you to ensure:
That Ahmed Douma's solitary confinement ends immediately.
That he is sent to an outside hospital as recommended by prison doctors.
That his appeal against imprisonment should be heard very soon.
Yours respectfully and sincerely,
It's good to send a copy to the ambassador in your country:
HE Yasser Reda
Embassy of Egypt
3521 International Court, NW
Washington DC 20008
HE Mr Nasser Ahmed Kamel
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt
26 South Street
London W1K 1DW
Information is from Amnesty International's Urgent Action 91/17
of 24 April 2017:
HE Professor Peter Arthur Mutharika
President of the Republic of Malawi
Office of the President and Cabinet
Private Bag 301
Capital City
Lilongwe 3
Your Excellency,
As you know, people with albinism are still suffering badly in
Malawi. Thousands of people with this inherited, non-contagious,
incurable condition have to live in fear. They are ritually killed
in the belief that their body parts will bring riches. Since December
2014, at least 14 have been killed, at least 5 others have disappeared,
and there have been at least 69 other crimes such as stealing of
bodies from graves. A recent case was the teen-age boy, David Fletcher,
who disappeared from Malawi and whose body was found in Mozambique
with hands and feet chopped off.
You have condemned these attacks and called on police to arrest
perpetrators. But the few arrested have been acquitted or given
light sentences. Please do your utmost to bring this horror to an
Yours respectfully and very sincerely,
Full information, including further addresses to which to send
your message, is in Amnesty International's Urgent Action:
Fayadh, a poet, born in Saudi Arabia to Palestinian refugee parents,
was sentenced to death for apostasy (changing his religion). This
sentence was overturned, but he faces eight years in prison and
800 lashes.
write/tweet to the king, and email/tweet to the ambassador in your
His Majesty King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
The Custodian of the two Holy Mosques
Office of His Majesty the King
Royal Court, Riyadh
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Your Majesty,
I am glad to learn that the execution of Ashraf Fayadh has been
halted. He is a prisoner of conscience, whose conviction is seriously
flawed and based on false allegations.
I urge that your government should drop the charges against him
and release him.
Yours respectfully and sincerely,
Twitter: @KingSalman
Ambassadors (you can address them as "Your Escellency"
HE HRH Prince Mohamed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz
HE Abdullah bin Faisal bin Turki bin Abdullah al-Saud
Ashraf Fayadh, a poet, born in Saudi Arabia to Palestinian refugee
parents, was sentenced to death for apostasy (changing his religion).
This sentence was overturned, but he faces eight years in prison
and 800 lashes.
Amnesty International's Urgent
Action 265/15 of 3 February gives full information and more
addresses to which your appeal can be sent.
Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
The Custodian of the two Holy Mosques
Office of His Majesty the King
Royal Court, Riyadh
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Your Majesty,
I was appalled that Raif Badawi was sentenced to flogging with
one thousand lashes, and that the first fifty lashes were actually
administered, on January 9. It is to your credit that no more rounds
of flogging have taken place so far.
Please make sure that this barbarous punishment is completely canceled,
and that Raif Badawi is freed. He is a prisoner of conscience, punished
for exercising his right to freedom of expression.
Raif's story, and more addresses to which
to send your message.
Chairman Ba Te Er
People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
Hohhot City
Nei Menggu Zizhiqu
People's Republic of China
I am concerned that Hada is still being punished for peacefully
advocating the rights of Mongol people in their own country.
As you know, he was imprisoned from 1995 to 2010. Instead of being
released at the end of this term, he was moved to another prison
for four years, and is now kept under surveillance in a house in
Please inform me of the date when he will be allowed to return
to his home and family.
Hada, a scholar and bookshop owner, was imprisoned in a remote
town from Dec. 10 (World Human Rights Day) 1995 to Dec. 10 2010,
for "splitting the country", "conspiring to overthrow
the government", and "espionage", really for advocating
the cultural and material rights of Mongols, now a minority in Chinese-ruled
Inner Mongolia. Besides 15 years of imprisonment (under endlessly
cruel conditions which left him with 10 kinds of illness), his sentence
included a further 4 years of limited political rights. At his date
of release he was instead moved to various secret places of detention
in the capital. After four years, his "release" was reported
on Dec. 10 2014; he had been moved out of a "black jail"
but into an apartment building, still far from his family, under
surveillance and with no freedom of movement. His wife and son have
also been harassed in countless ways. The persecution of the family
appears to continue because they refuse to accept guilt. Hada intends
to sue the authorities for their illegal actions, and his wife smuggles
defiant statements to the outside world whenever she can. SMHRIC
(the Southern Mongolia Human Rights Information Center, in New York)
continues its "Free Hada" campaign and supplies us with